The Reunion


The Reunion

by Suzanne Rossi

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High school reunions can be murder… Meghan Donohue is no longer the fat girl she was in high school. Slimmed down and successful, she’s made a name for herself as a bestselling mystery author. So why is the thought of seeing her girlhood crush again so daunting? Zach Dunbar is not the skinny computer geek of long ago. Well-muscled and prosperous, he owns a multi-million dollar software corporation. But will it be enough to interest the girl he dreamed about all through high school? Before they can make a connection, though, someone starts killing off members of the former “in” crowd, and Zach and Meghan must pool their expertise to help nail a murderer. As they unravel secret alliances and old grudges, their attraction develops into something much stronger. Can they stop the murders–and finally confess their love–before a killer destroys them all?

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