Echoes of Magic


Echoes of Magic

by Emily Bybee

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Grayson, a British gentleman, is considered a catch in the dating world. But, when it comes to casting spells, he brings nothing but chaos in the form of earthquakes. Accepting his fate as a Defect, he’s sworn off magic. Then he meets Rowan, an intriguing earth witch. Her fiery nature pushes Gray to give it another try. Rowan’s been bullied all her life because she can only use her powers to make potions. But Gray is different from the typical arrogant witches she’s known, and against her better judgement she finds herself falling for his unassuming charms. But can she keep her past from getting in the way of her future? When danger threatens the entire witch world Gray must turn his destructive magic into a weapon to give them the edge over evil. But the price of success is too high—it could cost him Rowan.

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